
First Plein Air Trip 2022

First Plein Air Trip 2022 Just love when the weather starts getting warmer.   That means it's time to get the painting gear organised and head out to paint. Tuesday 22nd April was one of those days and when I got the WhatsApp from our Plein Air Group, The Boathouse Painters for our first paint out in Skerries Mills, I gave it the thumbs up. My studio is in the Mills Courtyard so I know every inch of the venue suggested, but I don't generally plein air paint there, just in my studio.   I had painted this scene [...]

Painting/Fishing Staycation

No foreign travel this year, but what could be nicer than a fishing/painting staycation in Donegal/Leitrim. Everyone was happy in our house when we decided to go on a weeks holiday on Drowes Fisheries. Plein Air painting on the river at Drowes Fisheries No wellies needed - 24 degrees - picnic time! The evening sun was lighting up the field in front of No.7 at Drowes Fisheries The Stables, one of the cottages on the grounds on Drowes Fisheries. Sunset on our patio at Drowes Fisheries We are totally hooked, [...]

Autumn Skerries Mills

Walking to work, as it was raining, I walked over the top path and noticed these lovely unripe blackberries in the hedge between the carpark and the path, with the five sail windmill in the background. The first sign of autumn. Whipped the phone out and took a few snaps. I am daily painting at the moment and working on small canvases. "Autumn Skerries Mills" was painted in oils on an 8" x 8" board. Still wet it was whipped away and framed. One of the many benefits of my husband being a Framer! CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE THIS PAINTING [...]

Worth the wait!

November and December are always our busier months with fairs running up to Christmas and of course the gallery has to be manned too. So with one thing or another I haven't had time to paint since October and today was my first day back. Storm In A Teacup, the ice cream shop on Skerries Harbour is always busy no matter what the weather, but its worth the wait. "Worth the Wait" - 8" x 8" oil on panel available to purchase HERE  

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