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First Plein Air Trip 2022

First Plein Air Trip 2022 Just love when the weather starts getting warmer.   That means it's time to get the painting gear organised and head out to paint. Tuesday 22nd April was one of those days and when I got the WhatsApp from our Plein Air Group, The Boathouse Painters for our first paint out in Skerries Mills, I gave it the thumbs up. My studio is in the Mills Courtyard so I know every inch of the venue suggested, but I don't generally plein air paint there, just in my studio.   I had painted this scene [...]

Boathouse Painters

Every Tuesday morning and Thursday evening this summer, the Boathouse Painters have been getting together for arranged plein air meet ups, with all the paintings for exhibition in the Seamus Ennis Centre in the Naul in September. With the weather a bit iffy this week we managed to get out on Tuesday morning to this beautiful spot overlooking the fields around Loughshinny, before harvest,  with Rush in the distance. The Mine Road, Loughshinny

Dublin Plein Air Festival 2021

Always excited at the run up to the annual Dublin Plein Air Festival.  With lots of organising and packing.   I paint on primed MDF for the festival and have lots of boards ready for the marathon of painting during the seven days of the event.  I have the bags packed ready for the early morning start. With weight being an issue when carrying all the equipment, everything is kept to a minimum when packing. So the idea is to bring as few paint tubes as possible!! My go to colours are, Cadmium yellow pale, cadmium lemon yellow, cadmium [...]

Painting/Fishing Staycation

No foreign travel this year, but what could be nicer than a fishing/painting staycation in Donegal/Leitrim. Everyone was happy in our house when we decided to go on a weeks holiday on Drowes Fisheries. Plein Air painting on the river at Drowes Fisheries No wellies needed - 24 degrees - picnic time! The evening sun was lighting up the field in front of No.7 at Drowes Fisheries The Stables, one of the cottages on the grounds on Drowes Fisheries. Sunset on our patio at Drowes Fisheries We are totally hooked, [...]

Plein air June

With the lovely fine weather I managed to get out to paint a few days at the beginning of the month. plein air painting at The Ovens, Skerries beach One of my favourite spots in Skerries is called the Ovens as it is always very sheltered. It is behind Skerries Sailing Club and there is plenty of inspiration for a painting whatever direction you look. The springers, Skerries Another nice quiet place to paint is Loughshinny beach. It was really hot so lots of people in swimming and canoeing. Loughshinny Beach Skerries Rock beach is a great vantage point to [...]

Commission Delivery

"Behind The Lifeboat Station" was originally painted en Plein Air during the Plein Air Festival in 2019 on a 25 x 30 cm canvas. My client was looking for something a bit bigger and decided to commission the scene on a 120 x 100 cm canvas. I am always anxious when delivering a commission. Thankfully my anxiety was not necessary as she was delighted with the finished painting and it went straight up on the wall in pride of place.

Art in the Open 2019

Art in the Open 2019 Art in the Open in Wexford had been on my list for some time, so this year we (Louise, Michelle and myself) decided to give it a go.   It runs for 10 days but we booked in from Wednesday until Bank Holiday Monday. Graiguenamanagh Wednesday was Graiguenamanagh.   We didn't arrive until after lunch and painted this 10"x12" on the river, capturing the swimmers diving. Tintern Abbey Thursday was Tintern Abbey, with two paintings 6" x 6" one of the Abbey and one of the mudflats, both painted from the bridge. Ballymore Demesne Friday we were [...]

Dublin Plein Air Festival 2019

Dublin Plein Air Festival 2019   Skerries   We found a spot out of the driving wind behind the Lifeboat building.   Then the rain came and we had to find shelter. No better place to shelter from in a shower of rain than Joe May's!!   Swords Street scene Swords   12th Lock     Donabate   Farmleigh House and Gardens   Balbriggan   Couldn't believe I was a winner for my painting of Balbriggan Harbour.   A marvellous week of painting, with brilliant organisers and wonderful venues.   Can't wait for next years Festival.  

Holiday sketches and paintings

Just back from an amazing three week break in Lanzarote in May. The first week was with my painting buddies, Michelle and Joyce and we managed to get the pochade boxes out for a few plein air sessions and the sketch books were always in the beach bags. Lanzarote has a lot to offer artists with its unusual landscape.   Volcanic mountains in amazing violets, blues and ochres and beaches with white sands and clear blue seas.   One of our trips was to Caleton Blanca on the north east side of the Island.   A hidden gem kept secret by the locals [...]

Loughshinny Plein air

Easter Monday was an early start (well early for me!!) All set up to paint by 9 am on the beach in Loughshinny. The tide had just turned and was coming in.  The mist on Lambay Island on the horizon slowly lifted.  Beautiful morning light. Lovely to to see the horses out for their morning exercise. Heaven!

My top 5 for plein air painting

My top five picks for plein air painting keep changing but this is the current favourites. 1. EASEL The first essential is of course the easel.   To be honest I have two favourites so I will count this as one.  It depends on where I intent to paint and the weather conditions.   If the forecast is windy and wet then the definite favourite is my Mabel M23 which is a 1/2 french easel so half the weight and size to carry from the normal french easel.   This is a very sturdy easel and has lasted me years.   There are cheaper [...]

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