
Monthly Painting Demonstrations

Monthly Painting Demonstrations If you love painting, and are interested in learning more, tune in for monthly full-length instructional videos. Access to all full-length videos, plus bonus art and business tips. In my monthly membership - COLOUR CUBE - you will receive a monthly painting demonstration from start to finish, plus lots of art and business tips and access to over 20 archived painting demos.   Get to meet everyone in the group in our private Facebook group too. This membership is great value at only €10 per month. JOIN NOW FOR A 7 DAY FREE TRIAL - TRY [...]

Strada January Challenge

Strada easel challenge - January 2021 January is a pretty quiet month and we usually go away for a few weeks, with the gallery closed and no art classes. This January was a bit different,   With lockdown there was no holiday and very little to do.   So I was delighted when I heard about the Strada Easel Challenge January 2021.   The challenge is to painting something from life (no photos) every day for the month of January, post it to social media with the day and hashtag #stradaeasel. At the end of the month Strada [...]

Champion Green campaign urges people to shop locally

Champion Green campaign urges people to shop locally. Since our opening earlier this month I have been delighted with local support here in Skerries and really appreciate the lovely shoppers who have called in to say hello, bought a card, print or painting. Your support is so amazing and I can't thank you enough. If each adult spent just €20 extra in small businesses each week for the next 12 weeks, this would amount to an injection of over €875m into the local economy and would have a huge, positive impact on jobs and the vibrancy of towns and local [...]


When you don't have a model the next best thing is a self-portrait! My first attempt was from a photo on my iPad. 6' x 8" oil on board The second is working from a mirror.   6" x 6" oil on board. Really enjoying these studies and will keep practising.   Plenty of room for improvement, and practice makes perfect after all!!

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