Strada easel challenge – January 2021

January is a pretty quiet month and we usually go away for a few weeks, with the gallery closed and no art classes.
This January was a bit different, With lockdown there was no holiday and very little to do. So I was delighted when I heard about the Strada Easel Challenge January 2021. The challenge is to painting something from life (no photos) every day for the month of January, post it to social media with the day and hashtag #stradaeasel.
At the end of the month Strada pick winners, for a list of prizes from participants who completed the 31 days of painting.
With over 800 participants I was absolutely delighted when I heard that I was one of the lucky winners, with a prize of a lovely brush set. (We can never have too many brushes!!)
The challenge runs twice a year in January and September and I would highly recommend any artists out there to give it go. What better way to get a daily painting practice started.
Check out the Strada Easel Challenge HERE