New Palette Knife Workshop and Art Class Dates Announced.
Well we have waited so long for the fantastic news that restrictions are lifted and following yesterdays announcement (21/01/2022), I am delighted to be able to finalise three new workshop dates and the commencement of my 10 week Spring Term Art Classes.
Classes and Workshops book out fairly quickly so if you are interested in joining me for either, please check out the dates and book early. If you have a gift voucher for a workshop contact me with your preferred date and I will book you in.
If you can’t make it to Skerries to attend classes in person there is always the option of my online courses. My Masterclass Painting Course is on special this month with €150 off. Check it out below.

Palette Knife Workshops.
If you have a gift voucher for a workshop please contact me HERE to book your place in any of the dates available.

Art Classes.
Delighted to be announcing the resumption of my weekly art classes and there are a few places available.
The art classes will be held in the Loft Room in Skerries Mills, County Dublin, Ireland, Spring term running for 10 weeks on Wednesdays starting 2nd February.
Wednesday morning 10.30 am to 12.30 am
Wednesday afternoon 2 pm to 4 pm
The course covers painting in oils and acrylics and everyone brings their own paints etc and works on their own project. In all the classes, you will enjoy the fun, relaxed atmosphere with lots of one-on-one time with me and plenty of hands-on help.
A materials list for the course is available HERE
Please note that there are two flights of stairs up to the Loft Room and this may cause difficulties for anyone with mobility issues.
If you would like to be added to the cancellation list for the current or future terms please let me know through the contact me form .

Masterclass Online Painting Course
A twelve month online painting course, released over twelve weeks in six modules. Including twelve full painting demonstrations, (two per module) and over 20 resource videos, with a challenge at the end of each module, plus a monthly zoom catch up.

5 Palette Knife Tips
……even if you only use a palette knife sometimes, choose one that will work for you, with the help of these 5 useful tips.