Art In The Open 2024

Art In the Open is an annual plein air festival held in Wexford, Ireland and this year is the seventeenth year for the event.   Artists travel from all over the world to attend and paint in all the fabulous locations around Wexford.

James Richards workshop Art In The Open 2024 - 1

Wells House

I arrived on Monday afternoon to Wells House.

So exciting to see all the artists everywhere and catching up with old friends.

I had enrolled in a workshop with the fabulous James Edwards which did not disappoint.  His demonstration was so inspiring, with lots of tips and I loved seeing his painting develop.

His little finishing touches brought the painting to life and he made it look so easy, which is isn’t.

It was a great way to start my third Art In The Open and get me in the mood to paint.

Thank you James!

James Richards workshop Art In The Open 2024 - 2
Kevin Macpherson's workshop at Art In The Open 2024

Tintern Abbey

My second workshop was with the legend that is Kevin Macpherson.

I jumped at the chance to attend his workshop in Tintern Abbey.   I have been a fan of his for years and have all his books on my art book shelf.   Each one has dog ears and splashes of paint, from being studied at length.

Kevin is so generous for sharing his extensive painting knowledge and his magic grid is the talk of the plein air community.

What was a fantastic chance to learn his original approach to plein air painting.

So much to learn.

Thank you Kevin!

Hook Head

I travelled on the Art In The Open bus to Hook Head Lighthouse with plenty of art chat on the way with fellow travellers.

The weather was lovely with broken cloud.  In the morning I painted the view of the rocks and distance headland and in the afternoon attended a workshop with Barry John Raybould from the same spot.

Such a great opportunity to see how he decided on composition and colours for the same scene.

This workshop was a revelation and will change how I approach plein air paintings in the future.

Thank you Barry!

Hook Head oil painting Art In The Open 2024
Art In The Open Exhibition 2024

Art In The Open 2024 Exhibition

Saturday was when we got to see the fabulous paintings from all the artists who were painting all throughout the week.

Each artist picks their two favourite paintings to exhibit at the annual exhibition, and it is lovely to see how everyone captures the venues in their own unique way.

Mark was supportive as always!

Accommodation booked for next year’s Art In The Open before we left for home.   Can’t wait!!