When things are turned on their head we have to be resilient. To stem the spread of COVID-19 our art classes went on-line this month, on the ZOOM App.
I’m not tech-savvy at all but we have to go out of our comfort zone now and then. It was definitely a learning curve but we managed very well. The plan for the next four weeks is to run the art class online with a video demo at each class, showing step by step instructions. Participants will work on their own painting using the instructions and working from an image supplied in PDF.

So it goes to show that when we are put to the test and have to try something new it can be a good thing. Stretching the boundaries is always a challenge but it can be just what you need to give you a new lease of life and start a new chapter.
Would you like to join me in the free on-line class during lockdown?
Send me a quick email with your details and I will send you a link to the next class HERE.